Klezmer Rebs kept the crowds warm at Newtown Festival


The weather gods held back the rain and the Klezmer Rebs kept the crowd warm with our tuchas-shaking set on the Main stage at the Newtown Festival.  Rebs fan Helga Goran took some fotos of us (above and linked here here http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=90677&id=1620667385&fbid=1740802332791)

Oy Azoy had the tough spot of opening at 10am, and Josh joined us for a short jam at the end of our set.

Here he is, looking totally like the cool jazzman that he is, slumming it with the Rebs.

I enjoyed comrades in arms Hikoikoi and will be sad to see keyboard player James leaving NZ for a while to set up shop in Berlin, where there is apparently a lively kiwi expat music scene.