Klezmer Rebs Live in Concert Double Clarinet Trouble Saturday 1 March 7.30pm

Its double clarinet trouble as supremo clarinettist Urs Signer journeys south from Taranaki to join Wellington-based Reb Andre Nowicki for a two-clarinet attack as the Klezmer Rebs perform a mostly acoustic concert up the coast at the Niblick Hall in Titahi Bay on Saturday 1 March at 7.30pm

Urs, Andre, Emma, Rob, David, Rose and world-roaming trombonist Jonathan will play two sets of an eclectic mix of lively klezmer tunes, Sephardic Ladino love songs, sad slice-of-life story-songs from the ‘old country’, and some of their quirky originals and classic tuchas-shaking authentic klezmer dance tunes.

Get your tickets on line for $25 or $20 concession. Get tickets here: https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2025/klezmer-rebs-in-concert-double-clarinet-trouble/porirua-mana/tickets